Thursday, May 17, 2018

Loadout 4: Humans versus Cucumbers (HvZ) Husk

Loadout 4: Humans versus Cucumbers (HvZ) Loadouts: Cucumber special loadouts.  (Can be used for HvZ as well)
Loadout Name: Husk

(More after the break)

Nerf Vortex Howler, or nerf blaster that shoots one dart: Scout IX-3, Nitefinder EX-3, Element EX-3, Clearshot, etc.


Other Weapons:

Other Equipment:
Cucumber wrist band to mark you are a cucumber

                Husks serve as regular cucumbers, accept for the fact that they can use their rocket to tag somebody from a distance.  W/o the rocket, they are a regular cucumber.

                Effective against: Players with any equipment except for shields,because shields can block the missile/darts.

Nerf News: Everest Toys and Nerf Rival

Nerf News: Everest Toys and Nerf Rival
By now, the hype is on for the new vortex release, so that’s old news.  What else is older news by now? New rival blasters, leaked from the same place that the delta trooper, scout 2.0, and Thunder-hawk were leaked a few weeks back.

Everest toys has given us some interesting leaks in the past (without pictures) and another three leaks are coming in today: (No pictures yet)

The Star Wars RP Zeus Blaster
The Star Wars RP Athena Blaster (New!)
(Pix 1)
The Star Wars RP Hercules Blaster (New!)
(Pix 2)

These are the second and third blasters (The Hercules and Athena) to become promotional products before their main series release.  The first being the Deadpool Kronos XVIII-500 blasters.  The current Hercules is a Bigshock w/ an AR removed and a paint job, but now a real one comes!

What do I expect?  Obviously, a Zeus repaint (Hasbro LOVES their repaints).  The Hercules blaster should be big, and it needs to carry a decent amount of ammunition.  I cannot wait to see what will happen in the weeks ahead!

In Newer News, the community hype is on for the latest overwatch series blasters release.  Some theorize that there will be leaks at a major toy convention in November, but we don’t know that for certain.  The announcement came after this was released on twitter by Overwatch.  I have never played Overwatch, but to those who enjoy it and nerf, I can only expect much joy if the blasters are indeed not re-shells, but new technology!  (I mean, new blasters usually means new modification potential.)

1000 Mile Mark at the Nerf Single-Shot Workshop

1000 View Mile Mark at the Nerf Single-Shot Workshop

My apologies for not posting recently.  More Rival News to come.
I was excited on May 17, 2018 when I looked at the stats page to find that our viewership had gone from about 100+ when I re-started the blog, all the way to the 1000 view mark.  (1017 to be precise.)

I wanted to give a quick thank you to my viewers for helping to keep this blog going by viewing.  We have gone from a few views a month in September and October, to 2-3 views almost every day in May!  Sometimes, as many as 5 views a day, which I never expected to happen!

I look forward to the future of nerf with all of you!  And speaking of which, we have some nerf Rival news in the post following this one! – T.N.C.