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Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Nerf CommenTATER's take: The Vibranium Strike Blaster -- Voltron modifications anyone?

The Nerf CommenTATER's take: (a.k.a.: a the impression that a blaster gives me.)

The Vibranium Strike Blaster -- Voltron modifications anyone?

(More After the break)

Vibranium Strike Blaster
(I believe the photo is from the Nerf Wiki Thread on this blaster)
"Protect the citizens of Wakanda and charge into combat with projectile-firing action! This Vibranium-powered Nerf Gauntlet looks like the head of a panther and is inspired by the technology designed and worn by Shuri in the movie."

Nerf saw several gauntlet-styled disc launching promotional blasters that had decent performance.  Now, they shake things up with the Vibranium Strike Blaster.  It is a dart firing, single shot blaster with a side plunger rod (Assumed direct plunger) priming mechanism.

(Nit-picky description review)
"Protect the citizens of Wakanda..." --with a 1 shot blaster...really Hasbro?
"...and charge into combat with projectile-firing action!" --I would never charge into battle with this for a couple reasons:
1. It is totally impractical...a 1 shot blaster is meant to be a side arm...this is more of a side gauntlet that cannot be used, because it covers one hand, and requires the other to fire.
2. It looks silly for battle, aesthetically pleasing to some, but not the kind of thing in a nerf war that is going to make you run for your life.

Other problems with this blaster:
If you are doing a nerf way black panther cos-play, I still would not use this.  Black panther doesn't use projectiles to my knowledge, (And anyone can correct me on this) he probably won't use anything like this in the coming movie.

No word on price at this point (12/22/17)

Modification Potential:
It looks like this will be a direct plunger blaster  You could potentially use this as a sniper blaster, depending on how strong the internals are, and what kind of spring it can take.  I assume this is direct plunger, because of the priming rod on the side.
If you were to do a Voltron costume, you could paint two of these to work as the lion fists.

All in all, this blaster is for completionists, or die-hard black panther fans.  Otherwise, there is no reason to get it.  It is impractical, un-usable, and unrealistic even in the marvel world (To my knowledge). Hasbro, defend the people of Wakanda with something that might actually work, NOT the Vibranium Strike Blaster.

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